Post 5: Changes to my study programme

 I always wanted to talk about a topic like this, because even if I´m not a teacher, I have a bit of an idea on how some subjects must be taught, well... not that mandatory, and maybe I don´t know theory about teaching, but anyway as a student, I have more than an idea about what we need to learn, or better said, what is important to encourage a student just like me to study and learn.

So to start from the beginning, the subjects I have in university right now I think are ok, I´m just on my way to finish my first year so I don´t really know if they would be useful or not. But thing changes if I talk about workload, and that is a problem,  because of laziness, because 3 hours in a row classes normally are not the best, rather it is never the best. We need to rest between classes, we aren´t robots.

But not everything is bad, the facilities university gives us, at least for me, are great. Maybe better and/or more computers would be nice, but in general it´s ok.

And not to waste more your time, the final change I would make, and the most important, teaching methods, it is a bit hard to explain everything I think about it, but to do kind of a resume, it´s not enough with someone in front of us explaining theory we could even find on internet, or exercises, doing tests, and repeating the process just the same way. We need someone who first of all likes to teach, who cares about us learning, who cares about our learning, and encourage us to learn no matter what or who, because it is cool or fun, not because we have to or because they are getting paid.

not to make this longer, I hope you get the point and I apologize if  it´s not that clear, it is a bit hard to put this in paper (or in keyboard) , regardless of the language. 


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