Post 1: A country I would like to visit

 Pizzaaa!... Yeah, that should sound funny, at least in my thoughts. But, anyways, you get the point I'm talking about Italy!, No? You aren't excited as I am?. Ok don't worry because you would be, just keep reading I swear. So if I talk to you about Italy you could be thinking about delicious food, maybe about Mario bros, or it might be just me, but I'm sure you thought also about Roma, Didn't you? But why?, well, I know why, Because its a wonderful country, full of history, epic food, really cool and meaningfull places, and an exquisite language, and... yeah, you could think I know italian, but I don't, hopelessly, I just like how it sounds, and in some future I would like to learn it. And in case you didn't notice, its one of my deepest dreams to visit it, to stay a few weeks if possible, and to learn a lot about the infinite amount of places fullfill of history, but most important, to eat a lot of their food, and when I mean a lot, I mean so much, seriously. But, even if you dont believe it, I wouldn't like to live there or something, I mean, yes I would love to visit it and stay there and blablabla!, but to live there, meh... ( even if i don't know the place, don't blame me) I just would like to keep it as a remember in mi mind...


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