Post 4: a time travel to the future

 To be honest I would like to be right now in Italy, like I probably said a post ago. But Im not going to be that repetitive, besides the boring answer I gave you... I mean, a time travel to the future, to be specific, allows a lot of thing to do beyond posibilities. So how could I start? maybe saying what excites me? My first thought it is a future were we could go to different planets, and colonize them. I dont know exactly why but thinking about the future, like a distant one, not a "where you see yourself in X years?", makes me always think about that. 

So following the idea, I would like to be in that epoch. Were we could, anda maybe have to, go to different planets, knowing more and more about the universe. Maybe it sounds too unlikely, but we never know if it could be possible. This could maybe around 1000 years, Just to say something, I might be awfully wrong.

Also I wouldnt like to go to a different planet, or to be part of that, at least while it is still an experiment, or even more than that. If Im not prepared to face a reality with space trips, I would be less prepared to be directly part of that. To be clear I just would like to be in that kind of future, and to be part of this, but in the theoric part, helping in the science area, not being part of experiments or whatever, you could call me a coward if you want to.


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