Post 3: My dream job

 My dream job would be, no matter what, in a laboratory, that was my dream years ago and it still is being.  I really want to work making drugs, but I mean, not that kind of drugs, the illegal ones you know. I mean medicaments, that are also drugs. I know nowadays that most of medicaments are made with so sophisticated machines, obviously used and supervised by humans, and knowing this, it´s not exactly what I want to. So to be more specific, I want to work in some area like quality and that part of the process, where I have not to make them, but to make a "quality control". Its not the same as making  them, but it gets really close.  Anyways I have a lot to discover during my carrer, but the main idea is to work in a laboratory, I don´t plan to change that idea. So bearing* that in mind, I think, of course, I need to know a lot about chemistry, I´m on the road to achieve that, and try to be a bit perfectionist and precise, I couldn´t allow myself to make some mistakes in a laboratory, in general, I mean we aren´t talking about an investigation area. 

To be honest about the salary, I don´t really care that much, I mean while I can eat and have, of course, a calm life, I´m ok. But there is the coincidence that I love chemistry and I would like to live of that, and among the options that all of that offers me, Chemistry and pharmacy its the best of them, and I think about the salary, it could give me more than I expected, so perfect. 


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